Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I enjoy learning. I really, really do. But why oh why must you make me write up a report analyzing the results of my cognitive interviews? Oh yeah, it might actually help the survey for the client (yes, our class this semester, and next, has a real money paying client).
I've never been one to get work done ahead of time. I tried for a very long time. Every semester of college I vowed to turn a new leaf but halfway through the semester I gave up my plans. Now I don't really even try because I know that I'll be up late the night before working on it no matter what. So I try to spare myself the extra time of worrying and trying to get motivated. Yeah, my paper is due tomorrow, I'm only half-way done (I'm lying, I've only done about a third of it) and here I am talking to you about procrastination. Fitting, isn't it?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The stress free life
In training news, the Richmond Avenue 10K is in three days. Am I ready? Ummm, kind of. To be honest with you I have not stuck to the training plan 100%. It's been more like 75%. I skipped a few (ok, a little more than a few) and my long runs weren't as long as planned. But I have been consistent with running 4 miles for the past few weekends. I'm actually quite impressed with my adaptation to running outside. You see, I've been accustomed to the treadmill for so long that I would only venture outside if it was absolutely gorgeous outside and I just couldn't stay indoors without a guilty feeling of missing out on great weather in a city that is so sporadic with great weather. However, yesterday, as I began a 3 mile run on the treadmill, I started to feel a little more bored than usual. By the .5 mile mark I couldn't take it anymore. I donned a long sleeve shirt and ran 3 miles around the Mall and enjoyed it immensely. Tomorrow I plan on running outside again. The extra Cherry Blossom Festival tourists will be great motivation to run a little faster (am I showing off?) and longer, I hope.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
New Large Custom Totes!

Beth needed a big bag to hold all her stuff (maybe for all the workout clothes we've been toting around for the triathlon training?). She bought a new green spring jacket and needed her bag to match her jacket. Hence, the Large Green Trellis tote was born. Customize it with your choice of fabric to make it your own.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Someone reads me!
Now, internet, I have not been the best blogger. I must admit that I am amazed at how cool and timely other blogs are out there, and mine cannot even compare. But, today I realized that someone, at some point, has read this blog! Mo, my apologies for discovering this a month later. By the way, you (if anyone else reads this) all should check out her stationary and cards...Froy and Olo Design. She has some amazing beautiful things on there that are definitely worth checking out. This design is one of my favorites:

I'm thinking that my 3 year old niece would love some personalized stationary!
Triathlon Training News
Well, the warm weather we had this weekend definitely was an excuse to get outside and put some miles in. Ok, all of 'almost' 4 miles, but I like how 'putting some miles in' sounds. I had an amazing run and thought yet again that if I lived in a 70 degrees year round climate I would most definitely be in amazing shape. It's hard to run when it's cold, and in contrast, too hot outside. Ho hum. Today I donned a long sleeve shirt and ran around the Mall (that's the National Smithsonian ok? I did NOT run around a shopping mall). The run was ok...a little windy for my tastes.
Beth and I have been swimming twice a week now. We are still working on endurance and increasing our laps. I think the best thing about signing up for the triathlon is discovering how enjoyable it is to swim. I love it and look forward to swimming laps. Isn't it great discovering something new? Especially when that something is free and good for you!