Quilts have been on my mind a lot lately. I am constantly calling my sister (my sewing partner in crime) during the day with excited exclamations about a quilt I just saw on flickr or read about in blogland. It is the number one item on my
2008 sewing resolution list afterall. It was about time I dived into this new to me sewing territory.

Hence, work on my Amy Butler Brick Path Quilt started this week. I think this will be a good getting-my-feet-wet-in-quilting project. I quickly learned what I hope is the hardest part of quilting: cutting accurately! I've never liked the cutting part of any project. If anyone has any tips on how to quickly yet accurately cut two hundred 4 1/2" by 7" rectangles, please share.

I am now taking bets on how long it will take me to complete this quilt. Seriously, I really would like to take bets. Maybe it will make me move a little faster on this. I might even send the person with the winning bet a prize! To help you guesstimate a little better, here's some info: I started this on Tuesday night and haven't touched it since. So far I've cut out 36 of the necessary 198 "bricks". I have all of the supplies I need for this quilt including the batting, backing, and machine quilting thread. I plan to work on this a lot until I get it done, BUT, I do have craft ADD and can't promise that I won't start another project before this one is done. "Finished" is defined as sewn, quilted, and washed. So go on, make a bet! (Pretty please!)
P.S. Don't worry, I won't be offended if you say twelve months or even five years so please don't be discouraged to make a guess.