Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays. But, I just don't feel the magic of the holidays quite like I used to. Is it still possible to get all fluttery with holiday joy? What do you do to get yourself in the holiday spirit? Is there a special decoration you like to make, a certain holiday soundtrack you listen to, a favorite hot chocolate recipe you sip? Any and all suggestions are welcome!
Comment on this post for the chance to win this holiday scarf made of oh so soft olive fabric with some festive sparkle. I'll randomly pick a winner tomorrow. I look forward to all of your holiday spirit suggestions.
Be sure to check out all the other giveaways going on today via
Sew Mama Sew!
That scarf is beautiful! You didn't mention if you will ship everywhere or not - I'm in France - hope that's ok! If I win that is!
To get in the Christmas spirit, I usually put on cheesy music (check out www.northpoleradio.com) and make some yummy redbush Christmas tea to sip on while crafting. I hope that helps!!
The scarf is gorgeous! Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
Oh pretty scarf!!
I think for me .. its decorating the christmas tree .. it seems to be such an awesome event!
Listening to christmas carols while at my future in-laws home helping them put up their tree and hearing about where all the decorations came from and seeing the ones my fiance made as a kid. Awwww.
It always feels like Christmas time when we light up the fireplace for the first time!
I'd love to enter your giveaway~
I love to craft with my kids!
That making for others always
puts me in the mood and it is
also fun to see the kids decide
what they want to give to others!
If you dont have kids ...then
borrow someones...babyset. Then
craft with them. Ask them what
they would make for others. Their
excitement is contagous!
I hope you catch the holiday bug!
Rane and kids!
It's definitely in the music. I can take the spirit of the season with me anywhere, anytime, with my Christmas music.
Beautiful scarf!
A little holiday music, hot cocoa and making cookies always gets me in the spirit! Beautiful scarf!
I enjoy baking and decorating sugar cookies with my Mom and sister with Christmas music a going too. We have had this tradition for 22 years now, hopefully many more years too!
I hope some music and cookies tickles your spirit! :)
i like to go "chirstmas light looking" get someone fun to go with you...crank up christmas music...hot choc. is a bonus....drive around looking for the best and worst christmas lights...
I love this scarf, green is such a nice color :)
To get in the mood I watch holiday movies and decorate my little tree. I also start spending more time with my extended family leading up to the big day.
Thank you for the chance at the giveaway and have a great holiday.
Hot cocoa, decorating the tree, snow, moving my selection of Christmas music to the iPod... all of these things help get me in the holiday spirit.
Great giveaway!
Hot Chocolate and s fire in the fire place! Count me in! What a great giveaway!
I get into the Christmas spirit the minute I smell our family recipe for Swedish Cookies baking..which we did this past Saturday.
Carols, Solstice bonfire....cookies baking, lights
Beautiful scarf :)
I'm always watching "Home Alone" :) For me it works always ;)
Working on Christmas fabric gifts gets me in the spirit. Thanks for the chance to win.
I avoid malls :)
listen to Christmas music, bake cookies, and have hot chocolate!!
Love the bag in your last post. I'm getting ready to make a vera-esque bag today. Yours looks soo good! Any tips?
What a lovely scarf!
I love this--thank you!
Baking is how I get in the holiday mood. I love the way the house smells and eating the goodies, of course! Your scarf is gorgeous, I sure hope I win!
Elvis's "Merry Christmas Baby" gets me in the holiday spirit--it's a little more grownup (and a little sassy)than than rudolph or frosty.
The scarf is gorgeous and would go oh so nicely with my new Christmas dress.
To get in the holiday mood I listen to Ella Fitzgerald singing Christmas songs. :)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
That is so pretty, love how it isn't bulky at all! Please add me!
This scarf is beautiful! please enter me!
To get into the Christmas mood I get together with friends for an entire Sat of cookie baking, wine drinking, and a good mix of Christmas tunes on the IPod (Dean Martin's It's a Marshmallow World, Dominick the Christmas Donkey...)
Beautiful scarf!
As for getting in the holiday spirit, I get in some comfy clothes, make myself some tea or cocoa, and put on some nice music. Have you heard Sufjan Stevens' holiday CDs? They are lovely and not at all annoying!
I like to tune into the all holiday all the time chanel in my car and sing at the top of my lungs!! :)
Snow more then anything puts me in a Christmas spirit but failing that putting the tree up. There is just something special about sitting in a room with just the glow of the tree.
I love listening to christmas music to get me in the spirit. That, and my daughters do a pretty good job at finding that magic of christmas!
leslierose at gmail dot com
I absolutely love scarfs!!
I get into the spirit of christmas by listening to O Holy Night, drinking peppermint hot chocolate, & decorating!
What a pretty scarf! To get in the Christmas mood I do 3 things - put my Christmas tree lights on, light a holiday scented candle and listen to the Rat Pack sing Christmas carols - works everytime!
it isn't the holidays for me until i've made cranberry jelly
Love the scarf....
What do I do to get into the festive spirit- go and listen to kids singing carols. It makes me go all warm and gooey.... that scarf would be ideal for my step-daughter, it's so her, please enter me in the draw :)
i watch White Christmas with bing and call me sister on the phone and sing the songs to her over the phone. yes we are well into our 30s not little kids, but i still enjoy driving her crazy with this.
OMG!!! I love this scarf! It is so stinking adorable and would look nice and sparkly around my neck!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
Love the scarf!
I'm not much in the holiday spirit like I used to get, either. Not sure what to do about it...
I celebrate the winter solstice instead. Here's to a return of the light! AND a great scarf!
For me, it's not Christmastime without a chocolate Advent calendar.
That scarf is such a nice fabric!
i love what you did with this fabulous scarf! what gets me in the "mood"? sitting in my living room surrounded by christmas lights!
I am a scarf nut, I love yours.
I need to put away my fall decorations, tommorow is my daughters b'day. The 5th we put our shoes out so St Nick will meave cany, nuts or stick if you were bad. (My other daughter was born in Germany, so we do this for her)Now we decorate!!!
I'm a holiday FREAK. Once Thanksgiving comes around, I'm so thrilled. On Thanksgiving day, we play Christmas music after dinner to prep. Then, it's simple things for a few days like start some nice fires in our fireplace and drink some hot chocolate near them. Put the Christmas flannel sheets we have on our bed. Stare at Christmas lights popping up in our neighborhood. Hope the holiday spirit gets you soon. :)
Beautiful! I'm totally loving making homemade gifts this year.
I love fabric scarves. Thanks for participating and please count me in!
We always exchange ornaments for Christmas, so putting up the tree is a uber nostalgic and wonderful for me. I love this scarf!! Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!!!
Lovely scarf!
I drink hot cocoa and make things. I grew up with white Christmases, and now we live somewhere with little snow. So, I'll take a quick trip up to the mountains and get a snow fix to jumpstart the mood.
Happy Holidays!
Beautiful scarf! It always feels more Christmas-y with the kids ... and making some homemade marshmallows helps lift my spirits! :)
beautiful scarf! happy holidays!!
Olive is beautiful at the holidays!
I do a childs advent reading to start preparing for Christmas. I collect Christmas tunes & play those almost non-stop. It hlps imo to see x-mas through the eyes of a child. They capture the wonder & joy of the season.
I love that scarf. I think music and decorations helps to get the holiday cheer going. Even baking holiday desserts for the smells.
I just put up the tree and live with the twinkling lights on.
beautiful scrf. mentioning cookie making made me hungry.
For me it's always a surprising moment that feels Christmasy. If I try to orchestrate it too much it never works.
It's harder work since moving to California, where the weather seems very un-Christmaslike, but I put up the decorations at the start of Advent and annoy my family with bad renditions of carols and White Christmas all month long...
So beautiful!
I get into the holiday spirit my lighting my christmasy scented candle, lighting up the tree, putting on holiday music and sipping hot cocoa. (all together is best:). Oh...and we read a different Christmas story together as a family every night.
I get into the holiday spirit by listening to Christmas music, and baking Christmas cookies!
To get myself in the Xmas spirit, I pull out the old Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton Christmas on vinyl and crank it up. Just like being a kid!
Sewing, knitting or otherwise crafting a gift for someone gets me in the spirit. Your scarf is lovely.
the scarf is awesome, i love the colors!
What a gorgeous scarf! Thanks for the giveaway!
having a car picnic is a great holiday cheer-er! when it's too cold to have a real picnic, pack up a yummy lunch and drive to a nice spot, park, and eat!! best if followed by a vigorous walk in the cold!! be sure to bring a thermos of hot tea or hot chocolate for after walk!!
Crafting with the kids, Christmas music playing all day long, and baking!
i love driving around town looking at the christmas lights, and peeking into windows, hoping to get a glimpse of their christmas trees.
i love the scarf--it's certainly festive.
Bake bake bake! Then eat eat eat.
Goreous scarf!
We have an annual Solstice Potluck. It's so much fun. The potluck part cuts down the work on my end. I also make a handmade ornament for everyone who comes as a party favor. I love your scarf!
josilva3 at yahoo dot com
We make gingerbread houses with friends...but this year I got most in the mood when I put up my red berry garland and lit the gingerbread candles.
I think volunteering always gets in the holiday spirit. That and spiked egg nog. :)
That scarf is gorgeous!
my grandmother's woolworth's santa and his reindeer snow globe music box is a holiday must! :)
I love to make cookies and gingerbread loaf houses, that really gets me in the spirit. Not to mention I craft all my gifts. Hehe.. Please include me in your give-away. Thank you. :D
Christmas is generally full of stress and weird family politics for me -- it's been a while since I've really enjoyed the holiday. However, the day my partner and I go pick a tree and time spent decorating it and our house are very special. That feels more like Christmas than the racing around.
this is beautiful! happy holidays to you! christmas music puts me in the spirit (i love the spirit) and decorating brings me joy! I love to be surrounded by little things that remind me of giving, of love, of the birth of jesus.
Beautiful scarf.
The look of christmas lights outside my bedroom window at night always gets me in the christmas spirit!
Love the scarf! :)
For as long I can remember singing in church at Christmas has been a must but I've recently moved to Italy so I won't get to do that this year...
What a beautiful scarf! My kids put me in the Christmas spirit and the Christmas music from when I was little.
How pretty. I looks so comfy too.
My mom loves to listen to christmas music, and I must say some songs really make me ready for the holidays. Looking at all the lights is awesome, and baking cookies!!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Lots of Bing Cosby and Elvis christmas listening and watch and re-watch any and all cheesey or good Chrismas movies!! That's what I do! and I never get sick of it!(till Like February.)
I love riding down the road listening to Christmas music with the kids while looking at people's lights on their houses. It's also important for our Christmas spirit to attend our church's Cantada, and the children's Christmas play :o) The scarf is beautiful! I can be reached at clwendy at yahoo dot com .
Music always gets me in the spirit!
That is a beautiful scarf, and green is one of my favorite colors. Great giveaway!
For me what always puts me in the Christmas mindset is watching the movie Elf (with Will Ferrell). My husband's family has taken to watching it on Thanksgiving now - we love that movie!
I loveme some Christmas music, get sme in the mood every time, esepcially the rocking kind!! I love the scarf, thanks for the chance to win it!!
athenagwis at hotmail . com
I start listening to christmas music super early - it always gets me in the spirit!
There's no better way to get in the holiday spirit than to do something nice for someone else. Shop at thehungersite.com instead of at the big box stores. "Adopt" a needy child for Christmas, or simply do your holiday shopping on Etsy. My husband and I even went to an alternative gift fair where you donate in someone's name as a gift. For my brother, we donated two teddy bears for abused children who would have to go through scary forensic exams. I know he will love that, unlike any of the junk we've bought him in the past :-) We blew a ton of money at Wal-Mart last year and ended up with an empty feeling. This year I have shopped where I feel my business is deeply appreciated and needed, and I haven't had a happier Christmas since I was a kid!
Sorry that was so long... Lovely scarf!
Okay--here's the recipe: make yourself a hot cup of peppermint cocoa and snuggle into your favorite chair. Play a little Bing Crosby while you're at it. And enjoy!
I think that listening to xmas songs really make me feel the xmas spirit.
I hope I win -- and have a happy holiday!
Celeste has the right idea--Bing Crosby is the magical voice of Christmas! :)
I am a lover of all Christmas music, and when I'm just looking for some instrumental background music I pull out my Celtic Christmas CD. The melodies are beautiful, and it keeps me creative.
I love going to the Birmingham German Christmas Markets, wrapping up warm and looking at all the lovely market stalls,enjoying hot chocolate with heaps of cream & bratwurst!
I'm in the UK, and my giveaway is here - http://wideeyedwonderfuls.blogspot.com/ - if you fancy joining that!
That scarf is really cute. Thanks for sharing. Jeanne
Such a beautiful scarf. Holiday baking always gets me in the spirit of the season. Love the smell of molasses cookies. And I always look forward to my first candy cane of the season...
I love the scarf!
Love the scarf! I think just singing Christmas hymns does it for me. I think also the smell of pine mixed with cookies helps too!
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
Super nice!!!
I listen to a Christmas CD called Christmas in Velvet. :0)
Christmas music usually gets me in the mood.
I always sing Christmas songs at the top of my lungs while baking cookies. Holiday spirit galore.
I love it! Count me in for this drawing!
What a beautiful scarf! I love to put up and decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving. That really gets me in the mood!
Charlie Brown Christmas alwasy does it for me and a Christmas Story that no one will let me watch in their prescence anymore. I guess 24 hours of a Christmas Story is too much.
What personality, I just want to reach through the screen and touch it!
To get in the Christmas mood I open a bottle of champagne, start going through my holiday cookbooks, and listen to Christmas music. Then I unpack my Santa collection of over 350 merry men.
Sandy in NJ
I find taht a combo of egg nog lattes, shopping for and decorating the tree, and handmaking ornaments to the sounds of woxy radio's xmas channel (very contemporary and so awesome) puts me right in that xmas spirit.
Just today I lost my scarf...so this would be a welcome addition!
Awesome scarf!! Great giveaway. I love your blog and have saved it to my favs. Thanks!!
Love the scarf! Definitely a cozy read with a big fire is something that gets me in the Christmas mood!
Holiday spirit doesn't come easily to me, either. My folks divorced at Christmastime (30 years ago) and it put a damper on the season that I've never been able to shake.
However, it does seem more enjoyable now that I have a little one of my own. I can get caught up making it special for him.
Gorgeous scarf.
Olive, one of mine AND DrillSgt.'s favorite colors! Beautiful!!
Hugs & Blessings!
Pretty scarf. It looks so soft.
I feel more excited about Christmas now that I am not a kid. I have a huge party, which I deck out with every silly Christmasy thing I can think of! I watch tons of Christmas movies. I admire the snow. :)
oh i love it ive been needing a scarf I have to walk my son to school every morning and i live in vermont where it is oh so cold and getting colder. PICK ME PICK ME
How lovely!!!
I listen to Sarah McLaughlin's (sp???) christmas album and drink spiced apple cider. And make sure the christmas lights are turned on. That helps. Also I send all my children outside for a while. That helps too :D
Great scarf!
I know it is kinda cheesy - but the Kenny & Dolly Christmas album alwasy puts me in the holiday spirit!
That and watching Elf....
I like fairly straightforward holiday music (I'm sharing a holiday song a day at my blog right now)... and my favourite holiday special is the Charlie Brown one...
Love the scarf! It's gorgeous!
That is such lovely fabric. To get in the holiday mood I turn up the tunes and dance in the living room with my kiddos. :) Thanks for joining giveaway day!
Beautiful scarf. I listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies on Lifetime and Hallmark Channel with my 13 yo twins.
Me! Oh Me!! Pick Me- Me.
I love that scarf!
I'd love to enter your contest. Thank you for your generosity!
Oh gorgeous scarf!
All I really need to feel festive is snow, and lights on trees outside. It just makes it feel like Christmas.
I love your scarf and the bag you made for your mom! And, I have to admit I am addicted to peppermint hot cocoa!
I love holiday music! It's probably my favorite part of the season!
Thank you for participating, love the scarf! I have a scarf on my blog too :)
A peppermint latte, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and the holiday craft magazines usually get me in the Christmas spirit.
Beautiful scarf!
Putting the music on and decorating my tree does it for me. I love this scarf and sure hope that I'm the lucky one.
I love decorating the christmas tree and sitting in the dark with just the tree lights at night. it is so peaceful...
by the way, beautiful scarf! i have my fingers crossed.
love the scarf!!!
I need a scarf. That one is gorgeous!
deb . heerema (at) gmail . com
Beautiful scarf! Thanks for sharing!
It is all about the food for me - some cardamon bread, rice pudding, daily chocolate from the Advent calendar. And of course, making gifts for my family! And when all else fails "fake it 'til you make it".
I am a fabric designer, and envy those who knit beautiful soft creations ready to wear! Thanks for a great give away!
Would love to be entered into your drawing! I think putting on that scarf would be enough to put me in a Christmas spirit!
Tacky Christmas pop music and lots of snowy decorations always work for me!
I would love to win!!
What a beautiful scarf! I love the colors you used. What usually gets me in the mood is setting up my ornament tree which just has my Swarovski crystal ornaments on it. That and my "White Christmas" DVD playing on the TV usually gets me going. Thanks for the chance to enter!
To get into the Christmas spirit I make something to give away while listening to Christmas music.
This scarf is great, I love holiday accessories. Sign me up!
What a great scarf! I would be thrilled to win it!
What a beautiful scarf! I hope I win!
Finding a way to give to someone in need helps me feel more festive!
I think the best way to get in the holiday mood is to gather together with people you like.
The scarf is really nice.
hi - crossing my fingers! yay, thanks for the giveaway =)
That scarf is gorgeous! Music always gets me in the holiday spirit!
Really pretty! My daughter would love it!
I love driving around looking at Christmas lights and coming home to watch one of the Christmas Classics (Charlie Brown, Rudolph, or the Grinch) and cocoa! It feels the season after that! :)
Love the scarf!
I get out the Christmas decorations. My hubby drinks egg nog.
The scarf is gorgeous; thanks so much for the chance to enter your draw.
Music, lights, hot cocoa, and the grandkids by my side. Thanks for the chance at this beautiful scarf.
Super pretty scarf.
Whenever I get holiday blah, I try to get out of my own little circle. Volunteering or getting a name from a kids angel tree usually helps me remember the warm fuzzy bits.
I know just what you mean. I try to get into the holiday spirit by not getting caught up in the rush and fury of shopping or the commercialism. I try to take some time to do something you can only do at Christmas time like cruise around different towns and look at the lights on the houses or drink lots of eggnog. :)
mare at mail2peace dot com
What a great scarf! Unpacking my holiday tree ornament always gets me into the holiday mood! They remind me of great memories from holidays past and just make me smile.
What a very lovely scarf! I get into the season by baking cookies!
Great Giveaway! Nice to meet you! You can see my giveaway here:
Gorgeous! I'd love to win!
junglewife (at) gmail (dot) com
Ahhh, love it!
Beautiful! Thanks!
Pick me, Monty!
sue dot reichert at gmail dot com
oh wow i love that!! i love listening to christmas cds in november and i make all my own cards to special people!! thats how i get ready!!
oh wow amazing scarf!! i make a lot of cookies to giveaway for christmas and i love listening to christmas music!!
Beautiful scarf. I love to listen to funky Christmas music and dance around the kitchen with my kids.
This is beautiful. Thank you - I hope I win!
very pretty
Beautiful scarf! I wear scarfs all the time...so it would be put to good use!
I listen to Christmas music to get me in the mood! I even have some on my blog....come and listen!
I love the scarf!
I like to take a drive and look at all the lights and decorations people have put up.
pretty! I have a SIL who would love it :)
beautiful scarf! would love to win it. thanks for the chance.
Hi, may I try for the scarf?
My mother was not in the holiday spirit at all last year. It was sad to see her that way and I know she was sad, as she used to love the holidays. We went on a bus tour that involved a surprise trip to see animated Christmas lights. She ended up standing in the back of the bus, looking at the lights and singing Christmas songs. I was glad she found her holiday spirit.
Another thing that I've found, you can't force yourself to be happy, just go with the flow and it will come. :)
Best wishes,
I want to win one...so cute!!!
That scarf is so well made! Very pretty indeed.
Fantastic job! A star!! I love the overall product of it.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Pick me please! it's gonna be cold where im going and i lack a scarf!!! The scarf is really gorgeous..
I love christmas season! Thanks for offering this to us! I'll be real happy if i happen to win it.
The scarf will really suit the winner! Luck to everyone :)
I love holiday music and listening to it while I bake holiday goodies and drink egg nog.
I love the scarf. Good to see so many crafty people out there!
Your scarf is lovely!!
To get in the Christmas Spirit we light up the Christmas tree and make lots of goodies around here: homemade marshmallows, caramels, fudge, cookies, gingerbread, etc. Nothing like the smell of tasty treats to perk you right up! And something about cooking while you can see the tree in the other room and hear carols ringing just makes me feel festive!
I'm lovin' the sparkle!
Merry Christmas!
Kelly O.
I'm kind of silly - we put on Dolly & Kenny's Christmas CD & decorate the house:) Thanks for the giveaway:)
It's gorgeous!
Well - I'm doing daily posts filled with Christmas fun during Advent over at my blog so if you want a ton of suggestions you can check there!
I have to say that some of my favorite things are, making gifts for people while listening to carols (especially any and all Bing Crosby carols, this is a MUST). Also - I keep the December issues and special Christmas issues of my favorite magazines in one spot, and I drag out the stack year after year and flick through them for inspiration for things to make/do/bake, etc.
I love the scarf. It's Christmas-y in a classy way!
What a beautiful scarf. To get in the mood? I listen to my Willie Nelson Christmas CD of course!
I love the scarf very classy.
To get in the spirit, I have my husband put up the ouside lights/decorations while I do most of the indoor decorating and that evening, all the Christmas lights are lit. I turn down our house lights and bask in the coziness of the holiday lights. By the way, i love that scarf!
ooh, super sweet scarf!
I get into the spirit when I watch my two children get excited about the holiday. It brings back the magic of the season.
Love scarves, thanks for the chance!
Olive green is one of my favorite colors!
That is an awesome scarf! I hope I'm not too late to enter!
I hope I'm not too late to enter either! That's a sweet scarf! SO festive!
I don't let negativity to me. Life is too short. It is! I have my ups and downs, but the holidays cheer me up. I like the SIMPLICITY of things.... the scent of real pine, decorating the Xmas tree, baking, sending cards & recipes and doing playing Santa Paws at our Boxer Rescue kennel where our dogs were rescued. The dogs wait for their forever homes and we like to bring bags of dog food, treats, and chew toys for them! We did it last year and it's out tradition. We bring our dogs with us. A great trip too!
So cute! Count me in. Thanks for doing this; I've enjoyed discovering your site!
thank you for adding me to the drawing. just beautiful.
I really think you don't have to look for Christmas outside of you. Just think about being with the ones you love, making them happy, and make yourself happy too!! That's what Christmas is all about, spreading the joy!
Count me in for that gorgeous scarf if you're willing to ship it to Barcelona, Spain :-)
Fun scarves rock! Thanks for the chance!
i'm not sure if i'm still within the boundaries of the contest... but i don't think you've chosen a winner yet (at least you haven't posted it!) i love the scarf and would love it :) christmas music gets me in the holiday spirit. i live in northern california but this year it's not very "wintery" here... so the music is what i'm using to get me excited :)
I love the Olive Scarf-very pretty!
Elaine R
i love the sparkles. bits of faerie dust have been scattered on your lovely scarf!
Wow, the scarf is gorgeous! Now that I live in Georgia it's a little harder to get in the holiday spirit. No snow, no cold weather, etc. But listening to our Christmas CDs and baking gets me every time.
Ooh, I just love scarves! Whenever I'm not quite in the holiday mood, I have to make some cute little christmas treat and give it to someone. That helps right away!
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