It's weekends like these when I start questioning why I sew. Oh, the frustration! I had a bad sewing weekend, people. Why? Stupid mistakes, unflattering patterns, and zippers that don't want to cooperate are just a few reasons. I'm sure this bad sewing energy will pass, let's hope soon. Fortunately I finished this skirt before the weekend so I have at least one decent thing to show.

This is my first item for the mini wardrobe challenge. I used Mccalls 5431 and Ginger Blossom fabric. Oh, how I love this fabric. Have you noticed by now that green is my favorite color? Speaking of green, man does my street get green in the summer! This always surprises me every year. It's one of my favorite things about my neighborhood. Lots of trees = lots of green goodness.

Back to the skirt. This pattern was fairly easy. It's a circle skirt so it took the full two yards of fabric I had on hand (thank goodness I had enough!). The only adjustment I made was inserting an invisible zipper in the back instead of the lapped zipper the pattern called for. I also hemmed it by machine because heck if I was going to hand stitch all that fabric!

No circle skirt review would be complete without a twirl test. Verdict: Excellent!
OMG that skirt is awesome! I barely know how to sew but i think i'll practice if theres a chance i can learn to make something like that!
I love it!
Very cute.
beautiful stephanie! You're so talented!
Very cute! I love that fabric, too. :)
that is beautiful, steph! i just love it!
Love, Love, Love.
LOVE IT! Perfect for a DC summer:)
It was bound to happen! really! I bought a couple yards of this very michael miller fabric for the exact same project--a knee-length circle skirt. I haven't finished (or, you know, started) it yet, but once I do and if you or I are ever visiting the other's hangouts? you better watch for your skirty doppelganger! It'll be me.
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