...but I am not happy with the back. Not.happy.at.all.

Look at all those puckers! (Please ignore the zipper top that I haven't sewn down yet...) Oh people, this back seam has caused me so much frustration. I don't even want to tell you how many times I ripped out the zipper (five, FIVE times!!!!) to get the seams to match up. I don't know what the problem was. When I finally got them to line up, guess what happened? The damn zipper broke! Here is the carcass of that bad bad zipper:

I'm thinking about burning it. I had another zipper on hand and was able to install it easily on the first try (or sixth, depending on how you look at it), go figure. However, now the seam is all puckered. I think all those times I ripped out the bad zipper caused the fabric to stretch. Any other ideas why this happened? I don't think I can bring myself to rip out the zipper yet again. I just don't know if I can do it. I'm leaning towards just living with it as is until I make another top to replace it. Tell me, honestly, how bad does it look? Am I being overly critical here? Your honest opinions needed (and appreciated!)...
I think it looks fine and if you take a store bought shirt and look at it you will probably notice that it has more puckers or things aren't straight. I do know the feeling of being to critical of your own work but it looks fantastic.
Yes, you are being overly critical.
It looks good. Press it again and wear it!
I think it looks perfectly swell! It totally looks just as nice as any store-bought shirt. I, for one, am impressed! :)
I agree, it looks good. However, the one thing I've found that makes my zipper process easier, is that I baste it down by hand, matching seams, etc, and then sew it in. Hope that helps!
If you hadn't mentioned it, it wouldn't have been something I'd have paid attention to. Wear it! With a cardigan if you really have to. Maybe see if a row of topstitching might smooth it out. But try and remember when you last noticed something like that on someone else's back...
I agree with the last comment. I love your shirt, and it looks beautiful on!
I think it looks really great. I can't believe you ripped it out 5 times and managed to even finish it! I would have totally given up!
I agree with the all of the comments above, it looks great. A row of top stitching and a good iron and you'll be set! -kb
Burn the zipper! It'll make you feel better. LOL
I can see why you're bothered by the puckering, but don't let that stop you from wearing the top, because it's not *that* noticeable. Have you tried steaming it with an iron?
It is a cute top. The little bit of puckering could very well be a result of some stretching from all the ripping out, so I would expect that some of it will go away after the top has been launderd. But; upon viewing the back before you stated your grievance, I did not spot the puckers. I think you are OK with this one.
before I read that it was puckered, I kept looking to see what was wrong with it and I came to the conclusion that nothing was wrong with it. You can't tell that it's puckering at all even after you mentioned it. I know it's easy to feel bad about your own work, but I really think it is fine.
Good job!
I think it's a great looking shirt. I was thinking the same thing about a store-bought shirt - it would look just like that. No one but you will notice!
It's def. worth the try to press adn top-stitch, then launder it. Might help a Little, but it doesn't need much help.
I think you should give a tutorial on HOW you modified the dress pattern to make it such a CUTE, CUTE, CUTE shirt. LOVE it.
I *really* love that shirt, and I'm not just saying that. It looks adorable adorable on you! Wouldn't have noticed the puckering if you hadn't mentioned it...
i think it looks so great. i love it, and i think you should keep it. i did not even notice the puckers, really, no one will ever be able to pick those out.
Your shirt looks so cute. I bought the pattern to make that shirt a couple of weeks ago but I haven't gotten the courage to actually cut the shirt out yet.
It's cute. Looks like picture. I agree with one of your other commenters. Try to hand baste and then sew. Maybe less puckers. And don't be so hard on yourself.
I think it looks really nice and you are being too critical.......why is it when we make something it has to be perfect? That was me 30 years ago..I had to give up sewing because I was "lining the lining"! I've just started sewing again and have decided not to be so hard on myself this time around. I think your top looks so good I'm going to try it.
I have that happen too but after its been washed it won't be a problem, just temporary stretching.
Wow!, I really need to catch up? You already have two down.
LOVE it!!! No one will notice the back and I bet some of the puckers will come out after you wash it. I tend to avoid zippers in shirts like the plague..oh and buttonholes too...I haven't quite mastered them on my new machine. SO kudos to you for sewing that monster of a zipper!
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