my indecision regarding a new sewing machine? I finally made a decision. Or rather, this machine made the decision for me. Seriously. I wasn't even considering the Aurora 440 as it was way out of my price range. After calling a few dealers however, I found a great deal on a gently used 440 that I just could not pass up. She was delivered on Christmas Eve.

We've been slowly getting to know each other. Here's my first attempt at free motion sewing using the BSR foot. In case you're starting to think that I'm a natural at free motion sewing, the smaller letters were made using the built in alphabet stitches.

I still can't believe I own this beautiful machine. I'm very much looking forward to sewing with her and learning everything she can do.
Congratulations. Happy Sewing!!!
Hooray!! I'm so glad you went for the Aurora--I know you'll adore sewing on it. What a wonderful Christmas present!
I can't wait to see everything you make once you get going! What a perfect delivery on Christmas Eve!
Very exciting! Have fun your new machine.
Congrats on the new machine! I hope you have many more wonderful sewing journeys using it!
I'm so glad you finally picked the machine you wanted. I can't wait either to see what you come up with now. Congrats!
Su Mom
Congratulations. I love my Nina/Bernina. I know you'll have loads of fun getting acquainted.
I can't wait to get my hands on it and try it! Woo hoo! You deserve it. It was time for something new. And, you are obviously committed to sewing! :)
Congratulations! I'm not good at sewing but with a good machine I think I'm a better . Enjoy!
You will love it! Congrats on your purchase :-)
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